Mercury retrograde… who needs it. Life is complicated enough without having to deal with the inevitable mix ups that abound in this annoying Mercury phase. Having suffered at the hand of the postman, I today discovered that I am unable to access my online telephone (Mercury) bill. I am terrified of playing about with my computer settings, knowing that things will only go from bad to worse. It’s far too hot to have to deal with a computer break down. To add to today’s list of minor annoyances and set-backs, it now seems that a contract I sent on July 12th has not arrived. My dreams of a free new laptop with a Vodaphone prepaid account are looking vaporous. Trying to reach anyone on the telephone these days, is an excercise in perseverance. Sweating and cursing at the same time, mentally clocking up how many cents I have spent even before I get the chance to talk to anyone. Buggar.. and buggar again.
Okay, when does Mercury go direct? This week Saturday!! Hallelujah. Maybe that computer will arrive before I go on holidays after all…..