With Jupiter inching its way into stationary direct mode all manner of interesting Jupiter related news stories abound.
The one I like the best though, is the one about how hurricane Gustaf prevented George W. Bush and Dick Cheney from speaking at the Republican Party Conference. When a planet as big as Jupiter hardly moves, you would expect some fall out right ? Jupiter rules the big picture and the Republican Party Conference – sized down (Jupiter in fall) – on Monday clearly bears Jupiter’s signature. At conferences we get to hear what the “elite” are up to. At third house Mercury level – the information gets dispersed.
This Jupiter station is in Capricorn and as already noted, this is the sign of its fall. However… Jupiter is still the ruler of the US ascendant and the country as a whole almost stood still. Just for a moment America held its breath. What damage would hurricane Gustav actually wreak and more interestingly – what would be the impact on the Republican Party Campaign ? ZZzzzzzzzzzzz
Now Jupiter – regardless of where in the zodiac he posits himself – will always remain the greater benefic. So upon whom or where will Jupiter in Capricorn bestow his great gifts? There are few signs with such serious links to and respect for the establishment as Capricorn and Jupiter as Zeus rules the Storm. As Zeus he ruled over the clouds and thunder and lighting. It seems to me that the Gods spared (Jupiter) the Republican Party elite (Capricorn) a fate worse than death, i.e. having to listen one last time to the words of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
Jupiter’s gifts it seems were showered on John McCain – whose Jupiter in Sagittarius has given him his fair share of luck!!! But for the rest of the US – so glad that Hurrricane Gustav turned out to be a storm in a teacup 🙂