It’s that crazy time again. That time when the world seems to be falling into chaos and our leadership seems to flounder. As astrologers we understand this energy. It has everything to do with the tension arising from the upcoming oppositions between the planets Saturnus and Uranus. The first opposition takes place on the day of the US election, November the 4th. The last time Saturn and Uranus faced each other was in the mid 1960’s. This was a time of revolt, protest, peace, love and dope. Martin Luther King spoke of his dreams and visions while Uranus and Saturn re-lived their ancient archetypal battle. Father against Son. Polarity = struggle = clarity and then finally synthesis. But with the passing of time (Saturn) the new (Uranus) is doomed to become the old. Saturn (the established order) will always win through in the end, for this is the nature of evolution. For only by shaking (Uranus) the foundations (Saturn) can we collectively move on and rise up to a higher spiritual level. It seems that chaos is a natural prerequisite to new order. The new must rise out of the ashes of the old.
So it’s that crazy time again. Time for a fresh look at an old world. The time of Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, and others much like them has come. Pluto enters Capricorn. Pluto who took up arms with Uranus against Saturn during the struggles in the sixties, so lending his power, urgency and strength to the call for change. Pluto tore into Saturn and the earth wept.
At this time, and no other, a group of souls incarnated. It is obvious that they now have work to do. Surrendering power is never easy, but it really is time to say “adieu” to the Pluto in Leo generation, and time to say hello to “the children of the revolution“. For better or for worse, this group are now called to take the helm. The planet really does need the direction than can only come from new leadership, that is able to inspire. That is able to set hearts ablaze.
There is a generation of young people out there, who were born under the conjunctions of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn in Capricorn in 1989/1990’s. These young people are ripe for inspiration. The generation born in the 60’s are uniquely placed to provide some interesting answers to their questions.
It’s time for us collectively to take the next step.
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