This is the second article in a series which looks back at some of the main themes arising in the collective during Uranus’ stay in Pisces. With Uranus dipping it’s toes in Pisces, the social networking site Myspace was launched on August 15th 2003. This was just the beginning of new sort of Uranian wave. MySpace was quickly followed by: Facebook, Feb. 4th 2004; the Dutch social networking site Hyves, Oct. 10th 2004; Twitter micro-blogging service in 2006. Like a fish to water, we quickly took to the new communication environment.
Aquarius is about community spirit, group-think, togetherness, mutuality, sharing, and Neptune is all about seepage, voids, gases, nebulousness and general lack of borders. Uranus is linked to the technology that modern social networks are built on, like the internet and mobile phones. While Pisces often has difficulties with clear boundaries, it is seeming with life. It is a collective pool of wisdom and a spawning ground for new ideas. Our ability to exploit the social possibilites presented to us, clearly knows no boundaries. And yet there is a down side to all of this.
In the Netherlands, the Jelleniek Kliniek which deals with drug addiction (Neptune), has seen a significant increase in people approaching them for help with their computer (Uranus) addiction (Neptune). Particularly gaming I might add. Furthermore, while we might have several hundred on-line friends (Uranus), our love affair with the computer, leaves us with significantly less time to meet our flesh and blood friends in the real world. Everyone it seems is “busy, busy, busy”. There is a series lack of borders somewhere and this could be related to the mutual reception between Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius.
So where else might we look?
Uranus likes to protest, it enjoys group synenergy. Uranus and Aquarius are about new “ideals” and fresh ideas, and about how to draw them into the collective mind. However the mass itself is clearly Neptunian. Neptune thrives in environments where individuals cease to exist. Rubbing shoulders with many thousands of others, we loose ourselves and become ONE. Total loss of borders ensues. Neptune. Sites like Twitter are now commonly used at demonstrations like the G20 in London. We could say that Neptune is the tear gas often used to control crowds. I also think that at the moment, Neptune relates to a certain new style of crowd control. Here we see the energy of Neptune working through Aquarius and its traditional ruler Saturn. The concept of containment (in essence very Saturnian)- which has been used in recent years certainly at London protests – is however also in some senses very Neptunian. If you enclose people for hours within a cordoned off area, they will get hungry, thirsty, tired and fed up. When you finally let them out, they just want to find the nearest loo. Neptune will always try to avoid a direct confrontation. If it can…..
In conclusion. There does appear to be some collaboration between Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. As Uranus edges towards Aries – new forms of direct action will be evidenced. Aries is more impatient with authority than Pisces.