When Paris Jackson, called her father, “daddy” and declared her love for him during his funeral service on Tuesday, a veil was lifted, not only on her own identity, but also on the personal life of Michael Jackson. Up until that point, the program reflected Jackson’s life as an entertainer, as a friend and brother, but then from nowhere, the event took a different turn. The millions of fans watching were suddenly made aware of the deep sadness that perhaps only the child can feel and express with such sincerity. I still get goose bumps when I think of it. The horoscope of Paris Jackson: 3 April 1998, 06.28, Los Angeles. The birth time comes from newspaper sources reporting the event.
Paris Jackson lived her life behind a mask. Michael was so terrified that his children’s childhood would be stolen from them, that he carefully concealed their identity.
In the horoscope, we see no less than four planets, including the Sun, in the house of seclusion. The Sun, exalted in Aries, squares the Moon, in its own sign, the highly sensitive Cancer. This indicates not only the animosity between both parents, but also the emotionality of the child. Moon in Cancer – feels. Jupiter in Pisces – trines the Moon – and offers it protection and warmth. There is love here and deep affection between father and child. Michael’s Moon is conjunct with Paris’s Jupiter. This is evident in the above YouTube film. Paris – is unable to see – but touchingly seeks to maintain hold of her father’s hand. The total trust of the child for the father, is evident.
With Taurus rising, Venus is ruler of the chart. Interestingly the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune, falls on her radix Venus in the 11th house, in Aquarius. Paris came on stage to sing “We are the World”… the rest is history. There is no doubt that Paris‘ declaration of love for her father proved the most poignant testimony to a man who was clearly much more than just “the best entertainer the world has ever seen”.