Whitney Houston is poised to make a comeback. According to critics her voice -though still great – doesn’t soar to the glorious heights it used to. …But hey “Whitney’s back” and that’s something, isn’t it? Having just looked at the astrology of gymnast Yuri van Gelder’s cocaine addiction, it’s interesting to see that Whitney Houston -also a fire sign and once addicted to crack cocaine- is also similarly harassed by a hefty Sun/Saturn opposition. What’s going on here?
Whitney’s horoscope is really firey. Sun conjunct Venus in Leo, Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries. It could be that cocaine is particularly attractive to highly energetic personalities, who need to be constantly pumped up and ready to go. Certainly the more successful in showbusiness, the more likely one is to come into contact with drugs like cocaine. But the Sun/Saturn opposition is intriguing, isn’t it? The high demands such people make on themselves and on others around them, that can make heavy going. And Whitney’s initial way of escaping that inner pressure- came in the form of loverboy Bobbie Brown.
Whitney Houston has Mars in Libra, so she probably has a weakness for smooth talking, easy living, relaxed, good looking fellas. The opposition Mars makes to the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries… gives a whole lot of bother (or should I say bovver?) as the temper and emotions can get blown up way out of proportion. The relationship with Bobbie Brown was highly abusive and self destructive. The relationship effectively ruined Whitney’s career. It is also worth noting that her Venus is not only conjunct with the Sun, its combust. Planets this close to the Sun disappear from view and are burned up. Add all of these things together and its clear that this combination makes for a complex love life.
But now “Whitney’s Back”. Note how transit Saturn has just crossed the descendant…and become once more visible above the horizon. Sure there will be plenty of critics (seventh house) ready to slate her off. But hey who said Saturn transitting through seven is a piece of cake anyway? Whitney is a Leo. She was born to shine. So…come on from here, the only way is up….