The eclipse this coming week Thursday is an interesting one, because after an 18 month stint in Aquarius/Leo, the Moon’s Nodes now make the move to Capricorn/Cancer. While both Capricorn and Aquarius are Saturn ruled, there is a difference in the energy. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, linked to new directions and impulses from within, while Aquarius is a fixed sign, which has the ability to develop and build on existing circumstances whatever they may be. So while the ruler of the solar eclipses will remain Saturn– the energy is different. Furthermore the planet Saturn itself is due to make a change of sign, once in Libra the sign of its exaltation, it’s ability to perform improves. So now the $1.000.000 question: What does it mean?
Collectively, we are about to experience a generous dose of cardinal energy. With Uranus moving into Aries next year, Pluto already in Capricorn and the eclipses about to fall on and further trigger the cardinal axis – temperatures are due to rise. It’s a buzzy sort of energy which urges people to move out of their comfort zones and get active. Cardinal cries: Do Something About It!! However, stability and existing structures, will only be serioulsy undermined in those areas where there is already underlying tension and unrest. The Middle East always reverberates with Saturn/Pluto. The last opposition – with the attack on the Twin Towers – led to the War on Terrorism. With troop withdrawals on the agenda where Irak is concerned and a call for more troops in Afghanistan, the Saturn/Pluto square will surely expose the legacy of the war. After so much bloodshed, what has been achieved? Saturn in Libra..the cry for justice. At the heighest level of government, people will be held accountable, the question of fairness, balance, a weighing up.
The same scenario applies in Iran. Ahmadinejad’s Government sworn in under a Saturn/Uranus opposition, against a back drop of oppression and opposition, does not look comfortable in the saddle. The writing is on the wall. The unrest will only increase under the force of cardinal energy.
So… Things are looking …interesting. For me personally, a Capricorn, I can hardly wait, the first solar eclipse in Capricorn falls exactly on my radix Sun in January 2010. Oh…lovely. What can I say? Please send lots of chocolate?
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