Yesterday I listened with some sense of sadness and nostalgia as Gordon Brown announced his resignation (11 May, 2010, 19.20 BST). Almost a year ago I wrote about Gordon Brown: “One now clearly feels the heavy hand of fate/ Saturn upon him. Having himself orchestrated Tony Blair’s fall, Gordon Brown finds himself waiting for his very own Brutus to politically finish him off.” His very own Brutus it seems came in the form of Nick Clegg. After five days of political shenanigans – the UK finally has a new Government – a Government which is must be said -is in total concordance with the celestial picture. Gordon Brown – has a serious, dour, Saturnian quality, while Cameron and Clegg – reflect Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces. Despite Brown’s best political manoeuvring, it was the young pups who ran off with the bone.
There are real similiarities between the horoscopes of David Cameron and Nick Clegg – Cameron was born in October 1966, Clegg in January 1967. These guys even look alike!! Firstly, they are both born under the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo in opposition with Saturn in Pisces. (Gordon Brown is a Pisces.) Secondly they are both born under cardinal signs, Cameron/Libra, Clegg/ Capricorn.
While the current Saturn/Pluto square from Libra to Capricorn is waning at present, the energy will soon start to build up again. In June, Uranus and Jupiter enter and conjunct each other in Aries, and on July 21st, Saturn re-enters Libra. The ensuing t-square has been called the Cardinal Climax. It is the build up to this t-square that is dominating the energy in the collective at present. Fascinating then, how the horoscopes of David Cameron and Nick Clegg reflect this dynamic. Cameron’s Sun/Venus conjunction squares Clegg’s Sun/Mercury conjunction. As far as the coalition is concerned, Cameron will be forced into the role of Saturn – Clegg on the other hand, is more Plutonian.It is Clegg who subtly holds the balance of power. Clegg’s Mars sits on Cameron’s Sun – which is unaspected. How long – I wonder – before Clegg figures out that he is the stronger of the two?
As we have seen during the talks between the two parties – David Cameron is a good diplomat – which is exactly what you would expect from a Libran. Nick Clegg on the other hand – has shown just how ambitious a Capricorn can be. The danger with Capricorn is thinking that the end justifies the means. Don’t forget, significant numbers of voters are disgusted that Nick Clegg has entered into a coalition with the Conservatives. Many people who voted Liberal Democrat did so to keep the Conservatives out of power – not to help install them in No. 10.
Though we have no birth time for Nick Clegg – it is very likely that he – like David Cameron has the Moon in a fire sign. This fire connection will serve to ease the pressure a bit that will inevitably build up as a result of the horoscopes Sun/Sun squares. Libra and Capricorn can work productively together – but there are major differences in style and approach. Capricorn is concrete – Libra is abstract, Capricorn will want to lead, while Libra does not want to follow, Capricorn is ambitous for its own ends, Libra is concerned with the broad currents. The Conservative/Liberal Democrat -cardinal coaltion has a very vulnerable astrological feel to it. The more time these two guys spend together the tougher it will get. Remeber the old adage: Familiarity breeds contempt? In the second part of this article – I will look at the horoscope for the new government itself.
A bi-wheel horoscope with David Cameron on the inner wheel, and Nick Clegg on the outer.
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