Astrologie.blogo has been going for an astonishing four years. At present anywhere between 600 and 900 people visit the site every day, in June 2010, 19.400 people from 90 different countries came to this spot on the web. There are now 1.390 astrology articles to be found here. This is quite an achievement and one that I am immensely proud of. When I started writing, over 4 years ago, my aim was to produce a bi-lingual astrology blog, in English/Dutch, that would become my personal online astrological diary. I write about what interests me. Today I think astrologie.blogo rates as one of the best on-line astrology blogs.
I would like to thanks Karin Verhoeve and Myrthe Sardjoe for their excellent contributions. Special thanks to Ton Brakenhoff whose original articles on sport, art, and a whole lot more, are particularly appreciated by blogo readers and worthy of a Mercury in Virgo award. Last but not least, thanks to all the many readers of this blog. Your uncouragement and support helps to keep this blog alive and kicking!!
Elizabeth Hathway DFAstrolS, QHP
Elizabeth first studied astrology for two years during the 1980’s at the Cosmos in Amsterdam, she then went on to complete her diploma at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London. Elizabeth later studied horary with the world renowned astrologer John Frawley, completing her horary apprenticeship in 2005. Now Elizabeth maintains a busy astrology practice in the beautiful Dutch city, Amsterdam. Elizabeth offers a wide range of astrological services, including private readings and lessons. If you would like more information feel free to mail Elizabeth via the site.
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