This week two controversial exhibitions have hit news headlines. The first on Adolf Hitler opened in a Berlin museum on Monday – the first ever about the life and influence of Germany’s former chancellor. The second opened in a Tel-Aviv art museum, and shows a life – sized wax model of Ariel Sharon – in a coma. The wax model of the former Israeli leader is situatied close to where the real life Ariel Sharon lies in his hospital bed, opened eyed, kept alive for four years by a medical team. Saturn is currently in the sign Libra which is associated with beauty, art and culture. This is the place where the Sun – from an astrological mundane perspective- significator of leaders, is in its detriment. Interesting then that both these exhibitions about old (i.e. Saturnian) leaders opens with the Sun in this sign. Venus herself is in Scorpio – so rules both Saturn and the Sun. Here she is in Scorpio, retrograde and also in detriment, a fitting symbol perhaps for the way in which art and cultural institutions also have the ability to open up old wounds, to set people thinking and in so doing perhaps to also play a role in a societies’ healing process.
Elizabeth Hathway
Elizabeth Hathway DFAstrolS,QHP is een gepassioneerde astrologe met een speciale interesse in mundane astrologie. Elizabeth heeft het diploma van "The Faculty of Astrological Studies" (London) en heeft gestudeerd met de geniale traditionele astroloog John Frawley.
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