Is it permissible for astrology blogs be used as political tools? My own answer to this is: Yes – but only if they are making using of astrology to argue their point. As an English speaking astrologer, resident in the Netherlands, I subscribed to receive astrological posts from Planet Waves. Great was my disgust this morning when I received a post, addressed to readers, with the title: Putting the conserve back into conservatism. The message ,which was simply stating a political point of view, contained no single reference to astrology. I consider this a breach of trust. Did I sign up to this mailing list to receive a purely political opinion ? No. Am I really interested that Eric Frances has joined the conservative party? No I am not. If this post had contained one single shred of astrological reference I would have dumped the mail, end of story. Sadly it didn’t. So, to avoid falling into the same pit, I will include an astrological reference in this post. This is the horoscope for the time I sent my complaint to Planet Waves. October 30th 2010, 09.43 Local time, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
I am clearly shown by the Moon in Leo, in the ninth house ruling both astrology and foreign countries. Mars – my significator – is in its own house, in Sagittarius, a sign prepared to open a debate on philosophical ideals. The Moon here is about to square Venus, which as ruler of the seventh house, I take as the significator of the recipient of my email.
Every astrologer is entitled to voice an opinion. I do this myself. A few years ago I was busy astroblogging for Obama – but using astrology every inch of the way. This is – I believe – how it should be. Our discourse is astrological.
So Eric, will you honour my request for an apology to your readers? Or is this sort of practice so common in the US, that no-one bats an eye at it?