Wedding Horoscope Prince William and Kate Middleton

Now we have a time for the start of the wedding ceremony 29th April 2011, at 11.oo – this might be a good moment to see what extra information the wedding horoscope of Prince William and Kate Middleton has to tell us about their relationship.

wedding k&W

The ascendant is in the royal sign Leo – and appropriately in the horoscope of a future King – Leo’s ruler the Sun is in the 10th house, the house of state occasions. The other royal planet  – Jupiter is conjunct Mars – and on the midheaven which Mars rules. Of the two planets Mars in its own sign Aries – is clearly the stronger. It is tempting to see the Sun as signifying Prince Charles – who has Leo rising in his birth chart – and his natal Moon in Taurus. Two heirs apparent – but with  Mars applying conjunct Jupiter – it’s the younger man’s day.

Staying with Jupiter – it conjuncts the midheaven in Prince William’s birth chart as well – and he is born under a Mars/Saturn conjunction – which the wedding horoscope emphasises, Saturn being conjunct with the natal configuration. This makes Saturn an important player. Not only is the wedding taking place during one of life’s most crucial phases, i.e. the first Saturn return signifying adulthood and new responsibilities, but it is also the ruler of the wedding horoscope’s seventh house, which is the house that naturally rules relationships.

However, what is truly striking about the wedding horoscope in relation to Prince William’s horoscope in particular – is that it takes place on the day that Prince William has his progressed new Moon in the 28th degree of Cancer – which brackets his progressed descendant (his marriage partner). We should remember that Prince William was born on the day of a solar eclipse at 29 degrees 47 Gemini – so his life seems to be developing closely in relationship to the Sun/Moon cycle.

Though we do not have a birth time for Kate Middleton – clearly wedding horoscope Saturn is  retrograding back towards her natal Mars in Libra. Saturn is also ruler of her Capricorn Sun. So, while her ambitions are clearly being fulfilled (she is after all born under a Saturn/Pluto conjunction square the Sun) she might find carrying out all the official duties that will be required of her, physically exhausting.

But back to the wedding chart… Even without the bride arriving in a royal coach – this will be a fairy-tale wedding. Neptune has just entered Pisces – so Hollywood, Disneyland… eat your heart out.. because this wedding has it all:  history, pomp, ceremony, and location, location, location. The world wide interest will be intense and it will generate enough glamour, gossip and fluff to fill the newspapers for weeks, months, years………

The watery Pisces Moon is unaspected – void of course if you like. Which considering the couple have been together for ten years already – might simply suggest that when the camera’s stop clicking – on the domestic front nothing much will change. A VOC moon, simply means nothing happens – that is  – until it changes sign. Which it will do in this horoscope – and very quickly indeed. From September 2011 the progressed Moon will be contacting Uranus – a sudden event  or upset? By August 2012 – the Moon is with Venus – ruler of wedding horoscope 4th house – this could signify birth or a change of address. Which ever way you look at it, with the progressed Moon moving so quickly into Aries, and with so many planets in the wedding horoscope in that sign, the first few years of their married life are going to be very fast moving and eventful.

So – will this wedding last? If we look at the wedding horoscope of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer (29 July 1981, St. Paul’s Cathedral ,London, 11.00),  – then the ascendant was Libra (it had the appearance of a love match) – with Venus in Virgo in the 11th house.

weddinng C&D

Venus is however in a double sign (Prince Charles – loved someone else) and Venus is in detriment  – which quite literally meant that this wedding would be detrimental, certainly to Princess Diana. Furthermore,Virgo is a mutable sign – which suggests movement, or instability. In the wedding horoscope of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the ascendant is in a fixed sign, Leo, and it’s ruler is the Sun in a fixed, conservative sign, Taurus. This combination looks and feels very much more stable to me – if even a little boringly conventional.

Having said that – keep an eye on that progressed Moon in Aries………

If you would are planning a wedding – and would like to seek advice from an experienced astrological wedding planner – please mail me for further information: Elizabeth Hathway can be contacted via:
Consults also via Skype

1) The Wedding Horoscope Prince William and Kate Middleton
2) Prince William secondary progressions for 29th April 2011
3) the Wedding Horoscope of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.




Over Liz Hathway

Liz Hathway is a British born astrologer currently based in Amsterdam. Liz studied astrology at the Kosmos in Amsterdam, at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and with well known horary astrology John Frawley. Liz also holds an MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, from the University of Wales, in Lampeter, and was short-listed for the 2016 Alumni Association MA CAA Dissertation Prize.
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