One of the best British Newspapers, the Independent actually has a full page article today on Saturday’s Super Full Moon. The article cites the American Astrologer, Richard Nolle – you might recall I placed a link to an article he wrote about the Super Moon phenomena in a post published a few days ago. A quote from the newspaper article:
“Even before Japan’s devastating earthquake struck Honshu, certain sections of the global blogosphere were already warning in breathless tones about an upcoming Moon armageddon caused by the extra gravitational pull of the moon’s proximity. Richard Nolle, an American astrologer who claims to have coined the phrase “super moon” and – according to his own website – foresaw the 1993 World Trade Centre bombings, has predicted a whole host of global meteorological nightmares this weekend, including a surge in extreme tides, magnitude 5+ earthquakes and a slew of powerful storms.” To read the whole article click here:
Nice to see Richard Nolle getting some recognition. His theory has been out there for a long time – and is even mentioned in Campion/Baigent/Harvey’s book, Mundane Astrology, published in the late 1980’s.
What was that saying again…. “all things come to he who waits” 🙂