C&A and the Brenninkmeijers – Faye Cossar
A few years ago when I was doing my dissertation for my MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, I was lucky enough to get an interview with one of the managers at Athos, the managing company of C&A in Amsterdam. This week in the press, there was an article about them, confirming what I had discovered then.
They had just become more ‘open’ as a company, but they were the only one of my research companies for which I couldn’t get a start date and the only one who wouldn’t give me permission to use any of what I found through interviews, in any of my publications. ‘Open’ apparently has different meanings! The article also refers to this fact. They play everything very close to their chest.
I was researching how my ‘Company Clock‘ model (one that shows organisational development phases), worked for C&A. Because I had followed the phases then, I was interested to see what they were up to now. The article referred to the fact that they are structured so that they don’t have to publicise any of their figures. I discovered that this structure was set up in the crisis point of the 8th phase – related to Scorpio – the mid-life crisis phase for people and companies. They made sure in this phase, to do lots of Scorpio things, keep control, maintain privacy and totally reorganise. To continue reading this article follow this link to Faye’s blog. Faye’s website also has some interesting stuff to read.
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