Today (July 10th 2011) the last issue of the largest selling English language paper in the world was published. I am talking of course about the Sunday tabloid newspaper, the News of the World, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s, News International. The first issue of the News of the World was published on October 1st 1843. The horoscope of the News of the World: click to enlarge image
In this horoscope, the moon’s nodes are in Gemini/Sagittarius – which is also where they currently reside. Gemini is news – Sagittarius is spreading it. Jupiter – ruler of the north node is in Aquarius and in close conjunction with Neptune. Jupiter conjunct Neptune: while there is clearly vision and an ability to look ahead and see into the future of publishing which undoubtedly helped the News of the World become a market leader, Neptune acts like a magnet for scandal.
The Horoscope of News of the World: Mars, conjunct Moon conjunct Saturn: Not a newspaper that shows sympathy towards its employees. Moon in detriment – is very close to Saturn – suggesting coldness. This is pure business. The Moon also represents the general public, and the paper’s readers. Again disregard for the emotional issues or ethics in getting a story. Mercury in Scorpio – could show an interest in people’s rubbish bins – their bedroom habits – their hidden secrets.
The horoscope of the News of the World: Venus in her own sign Libra, exalts Saturn in Capricorn (incidentally Rupert Murdoch has Saturn in 21 degrees Capricorn – conjunct with News of the World Saturn). This paper helped established Murdoch in the media world. Venus represents our treasure, what we love. Profits made in the UK were piled into Murdoch’s organisation and helped establish him in the USA.
The horoscope of the News of the World: There is a lot of tension in this horoscope – wide t-square in the cardinals – with Uranus early Aries. So the News of the World has just managed its second Uranus return. Uranus is an important planet in the horoscope– it is conjunct the Aries point – itself suggesting wide spread dissemination of its rock and shock style of journalism. Furthermore, the News of the World (and Rupert Murdoch in particular) promoted an image of itself as being anti-establishment. It exposed the rich and famous, made meat balls of ministers, and scared the hell out of the powers that be. Interestingly Uranus itself turned retrograde today in the very early hours of the morning.
The horoscope of the News of the World: Sun square Mars: Sun the top dogs in the organisation – Mars the defense strategy, fight or flight? A quick decision was taken to axe the paper. Mars/Sun make haste while the sun shines.
In the wake of the developments in the last week, the public, politicians, and advertisers all turned their back on the newspaper. In an attempt to stem the tide of public outrage Murdoch announced on July 7th that the News of the World was being sacrificed for the greater good of News International as a whole. Conform the horoscope – the top dogs at the paper were spared – Rebekah Brooks editor in chief at the time miraculously managed to keep her job, while those simpler souls on the work floor lost theirs. Libra Sun, Venus ruled – what does Venus exalt Saturn. What does Saturn shrug off? The Moon the foot soldiers of the organization.
The following bi-wheel has the News of the World horoscope on the inner wheel, the last edition of the paper on the outer wheel. Click to enlarge image.
The horoscope of the News of the World: Transiting Sun in Cancer – opposes the Capricorn stellium. Grand Cross – transiting Venus in Cancer, squares radix Venus/Sun conjunction in Libra, squares both transiting and radix Uranus in Aries, and opposes radix Mars in Capricorn. The nodal return has taken place – time indeed for a new round of new chances. Transiting Moon is in Scorpio – the stench of the gutter press rises upwards – and squares transiting Mercury.
It remains to be seen whether this is the end of the story. The establishment is like a pit bull terrier – and at the moment News International’s throat is exposed. It’s all business of course and those who dare to break the establishment’s unspoken rules, rarely get away Scott free. The transits to the News of the World horoscope, including transiting Saturn’s opposition to radix Pluto – suggests some heads at the top will have to roll. While transitting Uranus – deviant as ever in Aries – is only just starting to trigger this horoscope. More revelations must surely come…
copyright Elizabeth Hathway, DFAstrolS, QHP
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