Sometimes the planets do speak to us. Even CNN spoke to me today – one reporter grilling an expert on military law, asked: ‘ how is it possible, given the circumstances that no-one was called to justice for the unlawful killing of 24 Iraqi citizens in Haditha on Nov. 19th 2005, the victims included women and children, elderly people, one of whom was in a wheelchair? ‘ The people were shot at close range!! The expert was of the opinion that the military simply didn’t want to prosecute/ pursue the case. In other words, a total lack of will. Why? At times like this – I just want to see a horoscope. And yes – the planets are screaming… The chart below has the US horoscope on the inner wheel – and the transits for 24 Jan. on the outer. (click on chart for larger image)
US Horoscope: The military falls under the 6th house – Mars the ruler of the sixth – was stationary retrograde yesterday – so appearing to stand still – and where is it standing? On Neptune – in the 9th house of foreign countries. Neptune is seldom a planet that brings greater clarity – Neptune is quite happy with a cover up. Currently Saturn too – almost moving into its stationary retrograde position- is poised in opposition with the US 6th house. This is clearly a miscarriage of justice – and sends out the wrong message – not only to the Iraqi people – but also to the marines. It does suggest that misconduct – even on this scale – can and will go unpunished. We also see Mercury in Capricorn – conjunct with US horoscope Pluto – in the 2nd house – squaring Saturn. There is a message here about the value attached to life and death (Pluto)… and from where I am standing… this is bad news.
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