Review: Faye Cossar, ‘Using Astrology to Create a Vocational Profile’
I for one, was very much looking forward to the publication of Faye Cossar’s book, Using Astrology to Create a Vocational Profile. Why? Well.. because I know Faye, and know how successful she is in drawing the business world into making use of her services. No mean feat. So.. how does she do it? My Scorpio ascendant, was eager for disclosure. So.. What does the book reveal? Read on..
Faye’s first hand experience is what matters in this book. She has been there, and done it. Faye reveals the tools that companies use to discover the strengths and weaknesses of their personnel. Fascinating stuff this, and spattered throughout the book. I found myself digging into a rich new vein, looking people up, checking out psychological profiles, tests, (and yes isn’t the web marvelous!!) etc. etc. However, astrologers can be very irreverent and Faye is no exception. What she is clearly saying is, guess what, we astrologers can do much better than this! We have more – we have a birth chart!
At times… When reading the book, it felt like Faye and I were having a nice chat. In other words, the book is authentic, it is HER speaking. I really recognize the positive approach she has, which contributes so much to her style of astrology. Anyway.. With this in mind, I can imagine that Faye’s clients are prepared to invest their time into six or seven sessions to discover more about their own personal style, strengths and weaknesses, obstacles, to really find their own authentic self. By the way, these are all areas that Faye examines – and – it is here, hidden between the pages -that the book shows remarkable astuteness: this is an astrologer who knows her stuff! Somehow, even after doing astrology for ever, I still really enjoy hearing good astrologers talk about basic astrological signatures. Love IT. Also, by using just one example chart throughout the book, you do ‘get to know’ that horoscope. I for one really appreciated not being bombarded with examples!
So, does the book deliver the goods? Yes it does. Even if you yourself are not looking to do in-depth career profiling, the information contained in this book will certainly make the time you do spend discussing vocation with your clients, deeper and more rewarding.
Why wasn’t there an index at the back???
Elizabeth Hathway, DFAstrolS, QHP