I just received an email from Faye Cossar concerning the Lynn Bell lectures this coming Sunday in Lumen, Amsterdam. Lynn Bell is a truly excellent astrologer. Her lectures are always on topic, well researched, and interesting!! (Please see my previous blog -post for the lectures’ content). Faye’s message…
We have a very small group for Lynn Bell this Sunday – that is a pity for me but great for you if you want to get your chart looked at!
Lynn is doing 2 different topics – and you can come just for the morning session or for the afternoon. The morning is from 10:30 – 13:00 Turning Lead into Gold – Lynn will talk about planets in detriment and fall.
If that doesn’t interest you then come for the afternoon session – 14:15 – 17:00 when Lynn will give her insights on the current Uranus – Pluto square. We have had two exact squares already but how can we use the coming five exact contacts that go through to 2015? And where do these planets fall in your own chart?
The whole day costs 100 Euros including BTW. The half–day is 50 Euros. Remember if you come for the whole day you will get a discount on the day with Bernadette Brady on December 9th. If you are really short of funds and want to come – call me (020-6206244) – and make me an offer I can’t refuse. It would be a shame to have empty seats!
Kind regards