Workshop Bernadette Brady: Fate, Cosmic Order, and You:
I would like to remind everyone that Dr. Bernadette Brady will be giving a workshop in Amsterdam on Sunday December 9th. This promises to be a really fascinating day. In the morning Bernadette will be discussing Fate, a theme which is of supreme importance to astrologers and anyone interested in patterns and how they seem to manifest during one’s life. I know that Bernadette has done an enormous amount of research specifically in this area. The talk will – I am sure – cover the Stoic idea of fate, and how that relates to, and has influenced how astrologers think about astrology, and how the general public perceive astrology. I highly recommend anyone working in this area to attend this lecture. All information is on Faye Cossar’s website: The Amsterdam School of Astrology. In the afternoon, Bernadette will be throwing a new light on aspects.
I will be attending, and hope to meet some of you there. Elizabeth
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