Uranus square Pluto: The Lone Wolf

Uranus square Pluto: The Lone Wolf
Many astrologers have awaited this third of the seven clashes between Uranus and Pluto with baited breath. Well, we have certainly not been disappointed. We can see the Uranus/Pluto effect in the tornado that swept across Oklahoma on Tuesday, killing 24 people. In an area often affected by tornado’s, what made this one stand out, was its ferocity. A different expression of the Uranus/Pluto vibe, might be found in another extreme climate, namely that around Mount Everest. It is almost sixty years since Hillary and Tenzing reached the top, and hundreds of people currently want to emulate this feat: the first Saudi Arabian women; the first person without arms; the first woman with one leg; a Saudi Prince; and very appropriately the first octogenarian – the old man (Pluto in Capricorn) adventurer (Uranus in Aries).

Uranus square Pluto: The Lone Wolf
But for me, what stands out this week is that following on from the Boston marathon, yet two more violent acts, by so called lone wolves have taken place. I am referring to the murder of an off duty soldier by moslim extremists in Woolwich, and the suicide of a well known, far right, French historian in Notre Dame Cathedral, in protest against gay marriage.

Uranus square Pluto: The Lone Wolf
The current usage of the term ‘lone wolf’, is accredited to American white supremacist Tom Metzger. Metzger described ‘lone wolves’ as, “warriors acting alone or in small groups who attack the government or other targets in ‘daily, anonymous acts.” Interestingly Metzger himself was born on April 9th, under the sign of the warrior, Aries. Uranus blasting its way through this highly individualistic, fearless sign,  is certainly creating shock waves as it goes. We might conclude that the combination Uranus/Pluto, is simultaneously deep, resonant, subterranean, transformational and earth shattering ! At this current phase, Uranus does not want to play ball. Pluto in Capricorn is prepared to re-examine structures in an attempt to transform what IS, a pretty extreme make-over certainly, but a make over none the less. Uranus in Aries on the other hand, is expressing the full throttle power of an equinoctial sign, it wants to turn, to do something new, something entirely different. So what we are seeing is a violent confrontation between the status-quo, and deviant, disruptive forces, occasionally prepared to go to extreme lengths to promote a much more radical agenda. This is scarey stuff – and the powers that be (i.e. Pluto in Capricorn, aka MI6, USSS etc. etc.) know it. Despite the high degree of technology and surveillance, what Uranus in Aries is showing, is that Big Brother does not have eyes in the back of his head. Technology is not omnipresent. In some respects, our society is based on an illusion: we are fragile.

Uranus square Pluto: The Lone Wolf:
So how is society to deal with Uranus square Pluto ? What can we do to safeguard against the lone wolf, that potentially stands at all our doors? Well, one thing we should certainly be careful of, is retaliation. If history has taught us anything, then it is that wisdom can sometimes be derived from not doing, from sitting things out. What we collectively want to avoid, is the blame game. Rushing into situations would be folly at this moment in time.  Uranus provokes… it is the nature of the beast, yet Aries is notorious for his failure to complete the task. Perhaps we should ask ourselves, who has the longest breath? The I-Ching reminds us that: “Strength in the face of danger does not plunge ahead but bides its time, whereas weakness in the face of danger grows agitated and has not the patience to wait .
As astrologers, we know, that these things too will pass away, yes, even a seven time Uranus, Pluto square!!

Elizabeth Hathway, DFAstrolS, QHP

Over Liz Hathway

Liz Hathway is a British born astrologer currently based in Amsterdam. Liz studied astrology at the Kosmos in Amsterdam, at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and with well known horary astrology John Frawley. Liz also holds an MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, from the University of Wales, in Lampeter, and was short-listed for the 2016 Alumni Association MA CAA Dissertation Prize.
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