Dear Readers,
I recently received the following from Faye Cossar. To cut to the quick.. Do you want to come on Sunday to one or both the Frank Clifford astrology workshops in Amsterdam at a price that you can afford? If so… read on.
“Next weekend one of the world’s best astrologers will be in Amsterdam. Frank Clifford is speaking at various events in the Netherlands and I have offered to host a day for him in Amsterdam. I have a good mailing list of astrologers so I think the information is getting out there, but there are not enough people registered to make these events viable.
This is a pity!
I am not alone in having low numbers registering – the number of events, the prices of everything, and the availability of free or very low priced material through the web are all part of the problem, not only in the Netherlands but worldwide. Plus of course the general economy. So clearly it’s time for a new model! But first I would like to explain my general stance.
For many years I have offered my time to the astrological community – not least 10 years as an ASAS board member. I believe in making astrology better. But I also think it’s right that astrologers get paid what they are worth! I have run many workshops as a service to the community and also to help visiting astrologers, and if I had been trying to survive on the profits, I would have starved long agoJ
Travelling speakers need all the help they can get – I have travelled often and I have only made a profit in one country – Norway! It is very difficult to arrange enough work each time you travel to cover costs. I aim to help others to do that.
Many of you who know me, will know that I am happy to support fellow astrologers – our group is too small not to help each other. The question is how can we do that? I think we do need to start valuing ourselves and our work by paying reasonable prices for workshops and lectures. Frankly J the prices that we charge worldwide to hear very experienced astrologers are laughable. No other profession would accept them. We are so lucky to have access to good speakers.
Having said all that – the way we are doing things isn’t working. So…
Here’s my offer:
I need to pay Frank what he is worth plus pay for the costs for hosting – room, drinks, expenses for Frank. I would like a small amount for the hours I have put in too. Not much – as part of my reward is hearing the lecturers I host speak! I only ask my favourites J
So if you want to come to either or both of the workshops on Sunday 31st in Amsterdam, let me know what you are prepared to pay by Wednesday 27th August – lunchtime.Make me an offer! If there is enough interest I will let you know if it will go aheadand ask you to pay on Thursday.
See for details.
I look forward to hearing your response
Happy weekend
Now that is an offer that is hard to refuse 🙂