One of the most famous ghost stories ever written was published shortly before Christmas in 1843. A Victorian tale of the haunting of miserly business man, Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge and his long suffering clerk Bob Cratchit. Charles Dickens’ novel is as alive today as it was on December 19, 1843, when A Christmas Carol was first published. A Christmas Carol, the horoscope, set here for 12.00 London.
Horoscope Christmas Carol: It took Dickens just six weeks to write a Chrismas Carol. When he started the book Neptune was retrograde. Neptune is linked to the spirit world, and we know that Dickens had a keen interest in ghosts. He was an early member of the oldest club in the world to investigate psychic phenomena, the Ghost Club which was launched in London sometime in 1862. At the time of writing the book, the Neptune/ Jupiter conjunction was transiting Dickens own Sun sign, Aquarius. A Christmas Carol is one of Dickens’ early works, and it received immediate critical acclaim. It was into its seventh print run by May 1844.
Horoscope, A Christmas Carol: Dickens’ characters can quite easily be picked out in the chart. Scrooge – the old miser – has to be Saturn in Capricorn. Venus approaching Saturn can be viewed either as a deep love for the material world, or a cosy, close relationship between the old man and his money. Venus is always what we treasure most. Alternatively, we could view Venus as a soon to arrive harbringer of love, human contact, and pleasure in his old age. In total four ghosts visted Mr. Scrooge (for we shouldn’t forget Marley). I think we must give the ghosts to Jupiter/Neptune in Aquarius. They are clearly disembodied and able to move through time and space at will. The Christmas cheer and feeling of good will to all men, must belong to the Sun in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is full of joy, and and the collectors of alms for the poor… who Scrooge scorns and turns away, is indicative of the difference between Saturn/Capricorn and Jupiter/Sagittarius. Bob Cratchit and his wretched family must be Moon ruled. The reader feels sympathy and warmth towards these sad people, with their crippled son (Mercury in Capricorn). The Moon however must surely be in Sagittarius, for despite their struggle, the Cratchits honor Christmas, while wealthy Mr. Scrooge, finds it nothing more than “Humbug”! We might give Scrooge’s old dead colleague, Marley, to the transformative planet Pluto. Ultimately the haunting transformed the character of Ebenezer Scrooge. Saturn has just finished squaring lord of death Pluto, and clearly what spurs Scrooge’s transformation, is the fear of what awaits him if he does not change his ways.
Horoscope, A Christmas Carol: However, as with most of Dickens‘ novels, the book has a moral. The Sun (Dickens himself) has just trined Pluto, and is moving into square with Uranus. It is a book that is designed to show us how it is possible for a person to change – even in old age – if they really want to. The change might be shocking – and yet ultimately we can all agree, Scrooge was redeemed, and this was a good thing. So, in true Dickensian spirit… “Merry Christmas to one and all ;-)”
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