Three Days in Amsterdam, the University of Wales: What is Astrology?
From 11-13 March 2016 – Karen Hamaker-Zondag – is hosting a unique event in Amstelveen. Members of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, will be holding a three day introduction course to the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
Nick Campion, Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg will be tackling the overarching theme: ‘What is Astrology?‘
The last time the department visited the Netherlands was in 2009 – so this really is a unique opportunity to get a real taster of what the full MA course has on offer. It’s a teaser – and judging by the take up following on from the previous visit – a teaser that will leave many people hunkering for more!! I am just one of those students that enrolled on the last day of the previous visit! Bear in mind, this is an opportunity for you to do an accredited Masters online, with top astrologers as your tutors !
Three Days in Amsterdam, the University of Wales: What is Astrology?
Is astrology a religion, a science, a therapeutic tool? What do YOU think? A general discussion will afford you the opportunity to air your views.
What is the horoscope? What does the concept of soul mean in relation to the horoscope? Nick will consider whether astrology is a religion, Bernadette will consider if it is a science and Darrelyn will consider astrology as therapy.
I cannot impress on you enough how exciting this event will be. Even if you decide not to follow the MA – this seminar will greatly expand your astrological knowledge. But it will also be a cultural social event. A presentation by four alumni – Maria Paap, Faye Cossar, Paula van Kersbergen, and Elizabeth Hathway – will be followed by a ‘borrel’ and an opportunity to talk to former students and meet the tutors. It is a little taste of the ultimate experience that is the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. All attendants will receive a booklet containing the PowerPoint presentations of all speakers.
All lectures will be in English:
Address: Amsterdamseweg 156, 1182 HK Amstelveen
To guarantee your place
Over Liz Hathway
Liz Hathway is a British born astrologer currently based in Amsterdam. Liz studied astrology at the Kosmos in Amsterdam, at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and with well known horary astrology John Frawley. Liz also holds an MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, from the University of Wales, in Lampeter, and was short-listed for the 2016 Alumni Association MA CAA Dissertation Prize.