The astrology of love and relationship: When Iman met Bowie

the astrology of love and relationships: When Iman met Bowie
The energy that draws two people towards each other is part of a great mystery. Chemistry between two people either exists – or it doesn’t exist. We are unable to control it. It is a law unto itself. Much has been written since the passing of David Bowie about the deep love he shared with his wife Iman. I want to try to understand that connection – hence this article. David Bowie met Iman through a friend at a dinner party, on October 14th 1990.  This meeting took place two week after the last date in the Sound and Vision tour. (My source for this data is the book ‘Hello Spaceboy: The Rebirth of David Bowie’ by Dave Thomson, see pages: 68-70; data for the Sound and Vision tour, is on Wikipedia). The couple met in Los Angeles, and the time I am using is 8 pm, simply because dinner at eight – sounds right. After 10 – and we would  be talking supper. However, I won’t be using the houses in this piece.

bowie meets iman

The Astrology of Love and Relationships: When Iman met Bowie
The planets in this horoscope are predominantly placed in the earth and air signs. Earth perceives through the senses: sight, sound, smell, touch. Earth is a strongly physical element and a strong earthy presence in this horoscope invites a greater awareness of the physical body and the messages the body is sending to the brain.  Bowie’s own thoughts on the first meeting ? He experienced ‘love at first night’ and immediately started to think of names for his future children. Air – is the breath we breathe. It is about thoughts, ideas, communication, connection. It is a rational element that seeks an explanation for what is perceived by the senses. Iman – was using her head. Her initial thoughts were not to get involved with ‘someone like him’.

The Astrology of Love and Relationships: When Iman met Bowie

The chart has two clusters of three planets: Mercury, Venus, Sun in Libra; Uranus, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn. The squares between both these clusters of planets in initiatory cardinal signs – is suggestive of something raw and present. Squares are – they simply are – and we have to work our way through them.  Each cluster of three planets has its own individual – saviour. Mars – symbolizing the male – is in Gemini and reaches out to unburden the cluster in Libra. The Moon – symbolizing the female – reaches out to unburden the cluster in Capricorn. The tension, the friction that the squares generate between both these planetary clusters – can therefore be channeled through the Moon and Mars. Interesting then that Bowie’s own thoughts so quickly settle onto to making babies!!

The astrology of love and relationships: When Iman met Bowie

Saturn/Uranus rule the North Node in Aquarius, Jupiter is close to the South Node in Leo. Jupiter squares Pluto – which is almost exactly half way through its transit of Scorpio – and sextiles Saturn.  Iman is born under the sign Leo – Bowie under the sign Capricorn. Pluto connects the two signs that these people are born under. Pluto in Scorpio is suggestive of deep, powerful, transformation, of the emotional nature, of the feeling nature, of the sexual nature. Pluto’s bonds run deep – one could say – ‘until death do us part’. It is perhaps worth noting, that on this very same day, the great composer and conductor, Leonard Bernstein, died of a heart attack in New York.

This is a fascinating horoscope, but when looking at relationship potential  the place to start is always the birth chart of the people involved. Only then, is it possible to understand what made this moment in time stand out for them. In the second part of this Valentine’s Day special – I will be looking more closely at the horoscopes of David Bowie. What do the secondary progressions and transits contribute to create a better understanding of this important relationship? The third part looks in more depth at the horoscope of Iman.

© Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, QHP

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Over Liz Hathway

Liz Hathway is a British born astrologer currently based in Amsterdam. Liz studied astrology at the Kosmos in Amsterdam, at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and with well known horary astrology John Frawley. Liz also holds an MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, from the University of Wales, in Lampeter, and was short-listed for the 2016 Alumni Association MA CAA Dissertation Prize.
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