Astrological Insight : I get a good feeling when looking at the positions of the planets this coming week. This has everything to do with the notion of balance and harmony. Since autumn 2015 when Jupiter opposed Neptune – the energy of the mutable cross has determined the collective sphere. Mutable effectively means opportunism, adaptability and the ability to shift, move and react to circumstances that are constantly morphing into something else. Mutability excels in uncertainty. We have just lived through an unprecedented collective 7x Uranus/Pluto square and the fall-out has been huge: some structures crumbled (banks, businesses, countries, governments, pensions,services) and authority has clearly been undermined (Snowden, Blockupy, Anonymous). Many people no longer trust their governments or their politicians. Mutable -post Uranus square Pluto – energy is kind of what we are left with before the dust settles … when everything is still very much up in air. On the positive side, the mutable cross is an invitation to play with possibilities without committing 100%. We can explore avenues and decide later.
Astrological Insight : There are a few major difficulties with a mutable cross. Firstly it can make indecisive and secondly it can have a tendency to lose interest in things too quickly so that the accomplishments resulting from sustained effort are denied. So what about the feel-good factor this week?
Astrological Insight : The grand earth trine is really coming into its own. With the Sun in Taurus inching into trine with Jupiter in Virgo (Tuesday exact) and Pluto in Capricorn – we really start to become conscious of where our chances and opportunity for material and/or spiritual progress lie. The Sun benefits greatly from ruler Venus also being in earthy, peace loving Taurus. Plans have a beauty to them and with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, we need time to do things thoroughly. Taurus enjoys a leisurely pace and will not be pushed or shoved or rushed into things. This feels like a slow coming to consciousness or into being, followed by steady progress, possibly towards a defined goal. The grand earth trine takes pressure of the mutable cross – in particular by unburdening the Jupiter/Neptune opposition. Jupiter opposite Neptune can be overwhelmed by the immensity and complexity of certain problems. On the one hand there is an acute awareness of human suffering and a desire to help the weak, elderly, children, the disenfranchised, the homeless, etc. while on the other hand, Jupiter opposite Neptune seeks distraction and is able to turn away from the suffering of self and others. Jupiter/Neptune wants to be amused and entertained, give me sound bites, thank you. This is Nero singing while Rome burned.
Astrological Insight : However… as an astrologer … and speaking purely from a practical level, this is a good week to get people on the streets shaking their collection tins: charities can benefit greatly by making use of this energy!! Good time to launch a marketing campaign. Good time to launch a new look or a product. The Sun in Taurus offers practical, tangible aid. It seems there the t-square has a back door exit !
Astrological Insight : Friday’s New Moon bathes in the energy of the grand trine. Security and financial issues are important. Decisions that effect home and family can be taken. Priorities center around practical concerns. Venus is linked to the pleasure principle – though this New Moon seems to suggest that pleasure can also be gained from commitment. In some ways, the earth grand trine is the perfect counterpoise to the mutable t-square. At the time of the New Moon, Saturn in peregrine and Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo, while the Moon is exalted in Taurus and Venus is in her domicile. Lay plans – and don’t laze away this energy. There are clearly dilemma’s – and these involve planets that are slower moving than Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Taurus. However, issues of greater magnitude should not hinder our decision making or our capacity to act wisely and lovingly on a day to day level. There is peace and quiet in loving Taurus energy. It is to be enjoyed it – but not wasted.
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Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, QHP
360 degrees Astrology, Amsterdam