Astrological Insight :On Friday the Sun moves into Gemini and this week things slowly start to gather momentum. Gemini is a quick witted, wily, intelligent sign – and its ruler Mercury will turn direct on Sunday. Jupiter currently transiting the other Mercury ruled sign Virgo – is also moving in the right direction. So what has the power to move us now ? Grand ideas, big plans (Jupiter) that require some patience and persistence to get off the ground (Mercury in Taurus). What we are looking for collectively and individually are means that enable us to push our plans forward. Look to the houses in your horoscope that are Jupiter ruled. If Jupiter rules the 2nd – then the way forward will involve securing the financial resources. If Jupiter rules the 9th – then the way forward might involving finalizing travel details – or at the very least – making a start with the travel itinerary. Once the Sun enters Gemini – there will be more adaptability whereby allowing us to adjust plans last minute – if need be.
Astrological Insight : A cluster of planets however, are committed to the earth signs. Mercury and Venus in Taurus – Jupiter in Virgo – Pluto in Capricorn. These planets provide a stable base, this is the nature of earth, the realization that some things are for real and can be relied upon. In recent posts I have hammered on about the grand earth trine – calling last Friday in particular – the grand earth trine deluxe. Well.. what actually happened last week Friday? Acutally, not a lot and there’s the beauty of it. Reflecting back this morning, the chorus of the song ‘Heaven” by the band Talking Heads came spontaneously to mind:
Heaven, heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens….
The concept of nothing at all happening in a hyper world, is of itself wonderfully peaceful. Personally, I visited museum Kranenburg with a friend and saw the exhibition ‘Silence out loud’, the brain child of Dutch writer, Joost Zwagerman, who sadly committed suicide last year. These pages, crumpled up by the writer and throw in a waste paper bin were retrieved a day after his death by an artist friend who gold plated them. My own Friday was a heady mix of beauty, art and friendship.
Astrological Insight : Mercury keeps the grand earth trine energy flowing right up til May 31st. The Mercury/Pluto trine started on April 17th – when Pluto was stationary. On April 28th Mercury went retrograde and touched Pluto again on 13th May. So basically we have a great opportunity to weed out unhelpful or unproductive thoughts. A good time to question ourselves, our motives. One important Pluto question is always ‘what’s in it for me?’ Pluto reminds us that most of the time, we don’t do things for nothing. There’s always something in it for us. Now we get the chance to see – and much more clearly – what this thing is. I realize that this is a confrontational question and one some people won’t feel comfortable asking themselves.
Astrological Insight : We are moving towards a Full Moon in the early degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius. There’s a very real sense of edginess now. With the holiday season about to begin – travel – a theme that is very particular to Mercury/Gemini and Jupiter/Sagittarius – is one area where we will be reminded of threats to personal and collective security (Saturn in Sagittarius). I mention this – because Mars retrograde – is tangled up with the Moon and Sun at the Full Moon this weekend. Mars is bold and is about to cross a border into Scorpio. Thinking about the abandonment of yesterday’s Manchester United football match game due to a bomb scare, served to remind me of how on edge we all are. Slowly but surely the Sun starts to enter the mutable cross zone – followed next week by Venus. The climax here is around the New Moon on June 5th (see horoscope below). We then have a grand cross in the mutable signs. How hyper is that? And, hyper active energy – if left unchecked – lends itself towards bad decision making, because it causes us to rush in.
Astrological Insight : Of course even in adversity we can find opportunity. This certainly applies to the New Moon. But now what we need to focus on is fact checking and in particular, making sure we keep things real. Mercury in Taurus continues to be a key player – both through its forward motion and its ongoing trines to Jupiter and Pluto. The mutual reception (which basically means the potential two planets have for co-operation and meaningful exchange) between Mercury and Venus around the New Moon – has the potential to offer something solid and meaningful. If we take our time, remain patient, plan carefully and don’t rush in where angels fear to tread, then we can keep our heads while others lose theirs.
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Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, QHP
360 degrees Astrology, Amsterdam