Astrological Insight : In the last days pleasurable activity and group identity have been tainted by violence. I am thinking of the dreadful events at Euro 2016 and the attack on the LBGT community in Orlando. Mercury opposite Mars always had the potential to be tricky… last week I spoke of ‘words as weapons’ unfortunately though words no doubt moved to action – the physical (Taurus) violence (Scorpio) was all too real. I am once again reminded of the importance of the stations of the outer planets. While Neptune’s station yesterday, left the collective focusing on the victims and their families, it also resonates with a deep collective trauma (Chiron also in Pisces) centering on group, national and personal insecurity.
Astrological Insight : On Monday, Mercury moves into its home sign Gemini. We can be sure that there will be a lot of vigorous campaigning in the weeks leading up to the EU referendum !!! The temperature is set to rise. Mercury will move into the unoccupied area opposite the focal planet Saturn and form a mutable grand cross. I hope the mental dexterity of Mercury in Gemini will help bring all arguments into clearer focus and bring resolution to undecided voters. From June 19th, the grand cross -really moves into orb. We need to center and ground our own thinking, use argument and greater understanding to dispel fear. If we don’t center ourselves individually and collectively, we will scatter our energy to the four corners of the grand cross. Time is pressing down on us, Saturn looms larger than ever. Mercury in Gemini loves facts and fact finding missions. What it does need to do – and hopefully the opposition to Saturn will help with this -is to dig a bit deeper. Gemini can be too superficial. However it is sharp, clever, even brilliant. Look out for one-liners! Headlines that stick. That awful advert jingle you can’t stop singing and such like 🙂 Also with Saturn’s second square to Neptune taking place on Saturday, Red Herring season starts in earnest NOW!! Don’t allow yourself to be distracted… keep your eye on the ball. Neptune can easily throw Saturn off the scent.
Astrological Insight :In 2013 in an article titled, Uranus square Pluto: the Lone Wolf, I wrote the following about Uranus in Aries: ‘Uranus in Aries on the other hand, is expressing the full throttle power of an equinoctial sign, it wants to turn, to do something new, something entirely different. So what we are seeing is a violent confrontation between the status-quo, and deviant, disruptive forces, occasionally prepared to go to extreme lengths to promote a much more radical agenda.’ The Sun/Uranus sextile exact on Tuesday, is the base of a Yod to Mars. What can authorities (the Sun) do about lone wolves without further infringement of our personal freedom (Uranus) ? Yod’s are tricky configurations and the Sun/Uranus base suggests we need some new perspectives, new insights or simply hints that we should carry on ‘doing our own thing’. We are not afraid ! Mars can empower. Mars inconjunt Uranus (exact on Sunday) certainly advises against acting in haste. Irritation and anger run high this week. Sun/Mars inconjunct also wants to vent its heartfelt frustration. If you feel your about to boil over, breathe, center and relax.
Astrological Insight : On Friday Venus enters comfy, cosy, homey Cancer. Give me a nest and I’ll line it. This is a great time for a home make-over. Venus likes to make things beautiful. Taking care of one’s own needs, one’s body and soul. It’s time to give our most intimate personal sphere some loving attention. Venus in Cancer is intensely protective of home and family, though she can confuse love with mothering or even worse, smothering. So now our concerns are more small space oriented, our little world matters, the local issue as opposed to the global issue. Look to the house Venus rules in your horoscope and the house it is transiting. These areas come under the loving attention of Venus. Cancer is sensitive, fertile and growth orientated. Plant some seeds in these areas of your birth chart, give them water and watch them grow.
Have a wonderful week…
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Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, Horary Craftswoman
360 degrees Astrology, Amsterdam