Astrology Think-tank: Brexit, Farage and the 1999 Grand Cross Eclipse

Astrology Think-tank: Brexit, Farage, and the 1999 Grand Cross Eclipse
The deal it seems is done and I for one am in shock. Brexit hangover. It hurts. A time to look back and reflect. The first person I want to pick up on is Nigel Farage. Farage actually entered the political arena in June 1999 through a seat in the European Parliament. This is a link to his maiden speech in which he clearly states his political aim is to take Britain out of the EU.  Many astrologers will remember the August 1999 grand cross eclipse, it was the first eclipse visible in the UK since the nineteen twenties. At the time, I published an article in the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, ‘The fixed signs are related to values, so this grand cross might be related to the breakdown of traditional structures. Saturn in Taurus makes me think of economics, and it’s transiting the UK’s eighth house (other people’s or the nation’s money). Could this be Britain in relation to the Euro ? A crisis over the pound seems inevitable. Meanwhile the rest of Europe wonders who coined the word Euro anyway (it sounds peculiarly English, and does not have a German or French ring to it !). A European Identity Crisis is on the cards !’ Vol. 41,no. 3 May/June 1999

grand cross eclipse

This was a huge eclipse and I often wondered what happened to it. This example clearly highlights one of the difficulties mundane astrologers face: Events can be highly active, be set off, but remain on the back burner until a much later date. It is Nigel Farage’s particular brand of euro-scepticism that has fueled the flames of Brexit and shaken Europe to its core. This only just occurred to me but it picks up on my concern about the effect of the current mutable cross when seen in the light of its predecessor in 0545: ‘The last time we had this exact set up of planets within orb of exactitude was in 0545  almost 1500 years ago (see horoscope below) and it also coincided with the transit of Pluto through Capricorn !! At the time, Europe was in the wake of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.’

mutable cross

Looking back on my own astrological take on events, I realize how much I have learnt particularly about the way I want to use mundane astrology. I believe I correctly identified the UK/EU axis. ‘Horoscope 1 below, shows the UK’s entry to Europe on Jan. 1 1973 (inner wheel) and for the 1975 and 2016  referendums. Striking – are the planets clustering around the 12-17 degrees Gemini mark (Saturn center wheel, Sun middle wheel (Mercury is just wide)  & Mercury in the outer wheel) and the 11-17 Sagittarius mark (Venus center wheel, Neptune middle wheel, Saturn outer wheel). The Gemini/Sagittarius axis which is particularly related to trade and to the international legal agreements that govern it, is emphasised…Boris Johnson, leader of the LEAVE campaign, has Mercury at 19 degs 19 Gemini !’ UK’s radix Mercury is at 17 Sag. 33. Clearly this axis will kick off again when Neptune in Pisces occupies these degrees.

no joy

Secondly: the wild card, Venus, UK ascendant ruler, out of bounds on the day of the vote. ‘A worrying astrological factor for the REMAIN Campaign – is that Venus ruler of the UK ascendant – is Out of Bounds on the day of the vote. A planet OOB – wants to pull away from authority (the Sun) and go its own way. Venus is on the midheaven – in Cancer – the sign of the UK Moon. This speaks to me of personal identity and of protecting what belongs to me. When threatened, Cancer draws back into its shell.’

The aim of a think-tank – and of mundane astrology in general – is to inform on things cosmic. If I had been a baru priest advising my King, then I would have been compelled to mention some worrying portents. Then, I would have looked for ways to counter balance the energy (vote Remain) because this is the way to maintain the safety and stability of the kingdom. After all, security and stability are the most important factors in maintaining and sustaining democracy.

Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, Horary Craftswoman

Please respect my work, if you want to copy any part of the text – link back to this site for the full article. I would love to hear your comments either on the thread or by email:



Over Liz Hathway

Liz Hathway is a British born astrologer currently based in Amsterdam. Liz studied astrology at the Kosmos in Amsterdam, at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and with well known horary astrology John Frawley. Liz also holds an MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, from the University of Wales, in Lampeter, and was short-listed for the 2016 Alumni Association MA CAA Dissertation Prize.
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