Astrological Insight :
Macbeth: I have done the deed. Didst though not hear a noise?
Lady Macbeth: I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry…….
Macbeth: …I am afraid to think what I have done. Look on’t again I dare not.
Astrological Insight : To say I have a Brexit hangover, is a complete understatement. The deed is however, done. The UK will now have to deal with the fallout which I believe will be momentous. This is taken from an article I wrote at the time of the Scottish referendum in 2014. ‘ When people have power there is always a risk of hubris. I think for David Cameron to preside over the break up of the United Kingdom would be a fitting end to his vision of the ‘Big Society’ . It goes without saying I hope the UK can avoid the Little England case scenario….
Astrological Insight : On reflection, Mars in Scorpio has felt rather like an intense session with a psychotherapist : it dredged up the muck that needs to be dealt with. It feels like we just spent a couple of months in the sewage system, first in order to find the blockage and then to remove it. It feels like a purging has taken place and some of us will still feel shaken by the intensity of it all. In medical astrology, a planet approaching its direct station, is viewed rather like a sick person, when the critical period has passed. Really, what Mars moving direct in Scorpio means, is that we can finally start to mop up or start to lick the wound. It will take some time for Mars to gather momentum and we are talking Scorpio: there will be no easy fixes and no pill to take the edge off the pain. We have to shovel the s…t, it’s as simple as that. Mars goes direct on Thursday – which incidentally is also the day that Mercury moves into Cancer.
Astrological Insight : Given the current economic uncertainty, the first word that spontaneously sprang to mind when I thought of Mercury in Cancer, was protectionism. Cancer really does want a safe haven, a base where the security of home and family is guaranteed. With the Sun and Venus also in Cancer, this could feel like comfy, cosy, ‘draw the curtains and settle down to watch Gogglebox’ type of energy. Well, just forget that. Pluto in Capricorn feels like the neighbourhood prowler and our need to feel safe is fueled by something rather more uncomfortable: fear. We get a taster of this on Friday when Venus opposes Pluto.
Astrological Insight : With Venus opposite Pluto, there could be very chilly undercurrents in relationships. Things just don’t feel right. Pluto is subterranean at best of times, his objectives are never immediately apparent. Pluto in earthy Capricorn emphasizes the secretive, Machiavellian aspect of Pluto’s character. Venus does sextile Jupiter on Friday as well though, which offers some consolation. My advice with Pluto never changes. Keep it open. Keep it transparent. If you feel some lack of clarity – mention it – bring it up. With Pluto, there is always more pain if things are swept under the carpet as opposed to being addressed. The moment when the penny drops is never nice. With Venus in Cancer exalting Jupiter, there are plainly benefits – no matter how small – from being honest.
Astrological Insight : The week ends under a Sun/Neptune trine. A day later on July 3rd, we have a Cancer New Moon, by which time I will be in the UK and four planets will holding a meet and greet in Cancer. For me personally, it will be my first family visit since my mum died in 2011. It is hard not to feel some sense of nostalgia flowing outwards from this Sun/Neptune trine. Neptune is an energy that binds and makes the borders between ‘us/them’ fuzzy. Neptune is more a ‘soft contour’ ‘pastel shades’ sort of planet. More several gin and tonics than just the one. There could be some very positive messages coming out of this New Moon: for example a sense that ‘we are all in the same boat’ and ‘all in this together’. This is a powerful healing message in itself and one that would definitely be welcomed by many at this time.
The next insight will be sometime after July 19th. In the meantime, hoping the weather picks up. It feels like the summer has also exited Amsterdam today.
For information on services (which include Skype consults and readings), email to:
Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, Horary Craftswoman
360 degrees Astrology, Amsterdam
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