Astrology Insights: In terms of planetary speed Venus is a fast mover and its transit to natal planets passes quickly. Having said that, it remains a beneficial planet and what a brilliant marketing job Venus in Leo has done for women. Venus has just recently showcased Hilary Cinton’s natal chart and watching Clinton take center stage last week, she was aglow with Leonine pride at her own achievement. On Monday Venus is trine Uranus -but the Sun is also trine Saturn. Where creativity and relationships are concerned, it’s a good day to get the ground work done. This will pave the way for the Sun/Uranus trine on Aug. 16th.
Astrology Insights: On Tuesday Mars finally resumes its transit through Sagittarius. The journey started on March 6th – got interrupted by Mars retrograding back into Scorpio (May 27th- Aug.2)- and not until August 22 will Mars be back in 9 Sagittarius, its stationary degree. Stay up for the final Mars/Saturn meet and greet (Aug. 23). At best this will create a slow down, at it worst a show down or even a shut down. I doubt many of us will be laughing. More disruption to travel must surely be on the cards. Law enforcement issues, gun control, etc. etc. Mars also rules the physical performance of athletes and with the Olympics set to start, Saturn will surely be policing for performance enhancing drugs. Though Mars/Saturn can help achieve a disciplined performance with Neptune still very much in the picture where Saturn’s concerned – there will be loopholes to everything and nothing will be water tight.
Astrology Insights: Tuesday’s New Moon In Leo:
Summer time is Leo time.. a time to celebrate life. It’s the week of Lammas -a word derived from the Old English for a loaf of bread – and its the first harvest festival of the year. Traditionally, on August 1st the first sheaves of grain were cut and the first bread baked. This was also known as the wake of ‘Lugh’ the Sun King who dies with the waning year, the Corn King who dies when the grain is reaped. This New Moon energy should serve to remind us of what we need to harvest and what we hope to create from what we have so far sown this year. The New Moon in Leo is a call to the creative self. I plan on baking a cake and sharing it.
Astrology Insights:
Highlighting the move towards a change in season, Venus enters into harvest sign Virgo on Friday, it will soon be time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Discernment is a key word here. The stability of fixed sign Leo starts to make way for more dynamic and unsettling mutable energy. Soon, Mercury, Venus and later the Sun, will have to pass through the energy fields of Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn is set once again to become the focal planets in a t-square. Think highly unpredictable, fast moving energy. Think situations developing at lightning speed. It’s time to hit the ground running. Clearly, there are opportunities here for quick thinkers, fast deciders and those who are able to adapt to changing circumstances. On the other hand, for dinosaurs, this is very bad weather indeed.
It might be helpful to track Mercury’s progress this weekend. Mercury will square Saturn on Saturday and oppose Neptune on Sunday. Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius and this feels like a bad headache for Mercury. Hopefully Neptune will deliver the sedatives.
Have a wonderful week…. Liz
For information on services (which include Skype consults and readings), email to:
Elizabeth Hathway, MA, DFAstrolS, Horary Craftswoman
360 degrees Astrology, Amsterdam