Astro-insight: Pluto stations
The stations of Pluto are pretty phenomenal – though pretty might be the wrong word. The station of Pluto on September 24th, 2015 for example, saw the dreadful stampede at the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca in which 717 people were trampled to death. Pluto’s stations bring moments of intensification in every sense of the word: risk, death – either symbolic or actual, power, collective forces, mass group initiatives, psychology, the dark collective, etc. conspire and combine. This is transformation Pluto style. So… The quality of the time is changed for the duration – and there is the sense that anything might happen. Under precisely this energy, the first presidential debate between Hlilary Clinton and Donald Trump is due to take place. For us in Europe – the debate starts on Sept. 27th at 01.00 GMT am (3 am in the Netherlands) – set your alarm. Will this be the start of a slugfest? Well it looks like it.
Astro-insight: Pluto stations
Truth or fiction? With Neptune still engaging with Saturn – who can tell? The web of mystery and lies makes the truth an abstraction or a distraction..anyway who cares. News is News is News is News isn’t it? Yesterday, headlining in the Guardian newspaper the story that ‘Gennifer Flowers, a former model who had an extramarital sexual encounter with Bill Clinton in the 1980s, has reportedly accepted an invitation to sit in the front row’ during the debate. At a dinner party last night, hot subject, Trump’s bad behaviour, which offered some interesting new takes on Trump. A Dutch woman who lived in Connecticut for a decade and took the elderly on trips to Atlantic City recalled Trump’s various bankruptcies. Another mentioned a vicious streak in Trump – with regard to a British documentary maker Selena Scott, who offended Trump to such a high degree, he swore to ruin her – and to certain degree, did.
We wondered how it would feel for Hillary Clinton to see her ex love rival in the front row. There you have it. Venus is now in Hillary’s sun-sign Scorpio, and Gennifer is in your face. Painful ? If nothing else – it means there will be an area of the arena that Hillary’s eyes will be avoiding. Today that news story, has already been turned. But, yes. I will be setting my alarm. It’s the Trump master card isn’t it. We are addicted to spectacle and with Uranus stirring up the collective – in unpredictable, outspoken, Aries, we don’t want to miss out on the action, and with Donald Trump in the race, there hasn’t been a dull moment.
Post debate, on Tuesday (sept 30th) Mars – traditional ruler of Scorpio – moves into the sign of its exaltation, Capricorn. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio its true. However, Venus in Scorpio in combi with Mars in Capricorn, will likely bring Clinton’s power to the foreground. It remains to be seen however, how the American people will respond to the combination of strength and power emanating from an older woman. If Hillary Clinton appears too tough and her image is too powerful this might – in a way – put voters off. With Sun and Jupiter still close to conjunction tonight – it really is about who gets the balance right. Who hits the right note and creates a melody that encourages the collective to join in the chorus? Meanwhile back at the slugfest… we could just look at it this way: male (Mars exalted in Capricorn) vs female (Venus in detriment in Scorpio). Who dominates Venus? Mars! Tuesday’s news might be that the pundits consider Trump the winner of the first debate.
Pluto Station: So ….Where does this Pluto station fall in your horoscope? It’s in my third house. Personally I am feeling it big time. Last night I had not one – but three – intensely powerful dreams. But then, Pluto is stationing right on my Mercury in the third house. My throat is sore this morning. I think that amidst all the panic I forgot to swallow!
Venus trines Neptune on Saturday October 1st – which is also the day of the New Moon in Libra. New Moon – new beginning – fresh start. New Moon’s invigorate the collective. New ideas for collaboration and sharing can be spun. Key-word is collaboration. The ruler of this new moon is Venus in Scorpio. In general, trust can be an issue for Scorpio, which has a penchant for sensing undercurrents and has often learnt the hard way that vulnerability can lead to pain. However, the trine to Neptune in Pisces, the sign in which Venus is exalted, tempts Venus, draws her out and that can only be a good thing. I get a sense of tentative steps but steps nonetheless.
On Sunday, Mercury opposes Chiron and inconjuncts Uranus. There is a sense of restlessness when Uranus approaches Mercury. Time speeds up. Uranus in Aries can be impatient while Mercury in Virgo is pragmatic, sensible. Chiron currently in Pisces, introduces organic thinking, the chaos of vast nature and the wholeness and richness it represents. The challenge for Mercury is to find a reference point that it can feel comfortable with. Pisces wants the energy to flow – Virgo wants to understand the flow – while Aries might simply blow up.
Anyways… a big week. Enjoy it… Liz