Most astrologers know that the Aquarian Age constitutes one of the most hotly contested areas in contemporary astrology. When does the vernal point actually enter the stars of Aquarius? While theories abound no-one has come up with a definitive date. When does the so-called New Age begin? Why is astrology associated with the New Age anyway? And so the debate goes….. On Sunday I will be giving a talk for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency on the Age of Aquarius, but then with a twist. I will be moving away from theory and instead be looking towards planet earth. Events on planet earth are clearly reflecting the ingress of Regulus into Virgo and the dawn of the Aquarian Age. ‘As above, so below’. This is a lecture about meaningful connections and will explore the history and the horoscopes that will bring us closer to understanding the meaning of the least understood of all the planets, our own planet, Earth.
I hope you can come and join in the conversation on Sunday, May 17th 2020. We start at 09.30 am CET. Convert to other time zones here.
Book your place via the Cosmic Intelligence Agency here
Liz Hathway, Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, DFAstrolS, Qualified Horary Craftswoman (Frawley School).