Categorie archieven: astro-blogging 4 OBAMA

Mid-Term elections: Reflections on the US Horoscope

  To place the US mid-term elections in context, we need to take a close look at the horoscope of the country. What are the main transits and more importantly perhaps, what story are the secondary progressions telling? However, predicting the outcome of the mid-term elections wasn’t difficult. Newsweek was predicting, way back in March, that Obama and the Democrats would face a pasting. The article I am referring to was called: It’s the economy stupid. Which of course it is. People it seems are happiest when money is flowing – but since Pluto entered Capricorn – … Lees verder

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Horoscope Tony Hayward, Chief Executive BP: The US and a Neptunian spill

  Tony Hayward the chief executive of BP finds himself in an unenviable position. Tony Hayward personifies BP – and his beleaguered face – is one that many Americans love to hate and who can blame them? An executive who is insensitive enough to say “I want my life back” – while ordinary Americans are living with the consequences of the worst environmental disaster in US history, is surely asking for problems. Though no exact birth time is available for Tony Hayward, we do have a date:  May 21 1957, Eton, UK.  I have chosen a Sun rising chart. The … Lees verder

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Mars in Leo goes Direct: Barack Obama pushes ahead

This current “Long Stay of Mars in Leo” is the first since 1962/63- this is because in order to qualify for a long stay the planet must remain in the same sign and not retrograde back into the previous one – as it did for example in 1977/78. Being Sun ruled – this placement of Mars – intensifies the masculine will to power. The Sun is linked to the conscious awareness of what one want to achieve with ones life, the hero’s journey. Mars galvanises the solar energy to push forward and reach desired goals. Mars … Lees verder

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Obama – State of the Union – an astrological perspective

The Dutch newspaper “NRC Next” has given quite some attention to President Obama’s State of the Union address – seeing it as yet another historical moment, in Obama’s long list of firsts…Reflecting on his first year in office and looking ahead, the paper concluded that Obama must -take off the silk gloves and start to fight his corner. Stop being Mr. Nice Guy – and start being Mr. Mean – I think was the message. After all, there are some major issues on the table (Health Care, Banking restrictions, the planned freeze on Government spending from 2011) and if … Lees verder

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Obama: While Saturn squares Pluto…..

 I was drawn to Barack Obama – seeing  in him someone who reflected the “zeitgeist” the spirit of the time. A year later, it must be said, he’s not had an easy ride. One consolation: this was predictable. Obama inherited a mess and things often have to get worse, before they can get better. But ours is an astrological enquiry, so how can we view current events in the light of astrological alignments. Well let’s just pick one aspect out of the hat: Saturn’s square to Pluto. A clash of the titans that sure as hell puts conflict on the agenda. Conflict that … Lees verder

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Leuk artikel over Obama en de nobelprijs voor de vrede…

Het is zondag..vanouds een dag van rust en vrede. Passend dus om even bij Barak Obama’s prestatie stil te staan. Ik heb zelf geen tijd gehad om om naar zijn horoscoop te kijken – maar dat wil niet zeggen dat het gebeurtenis aan mij voorbij is gegaan. In tegendeel. Ik ben een enorme bewonderaar van de man. In maart vorig jaar – voordat hij als President gekozen werd – gaf ik een lezing in Soesterberg over de toen aankomende verkieizingen in de VS. Ik voorspelde toen dat Hilary Clinton het niet op kon nemen tegen Barak Obama en dat … Lees verder

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Barack Obama, Pluto and the Changing Face of Global Co-operation issues are on the agenda this week aren’t they? And what a planetary line-up, the ongoing Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune conjunction lends itself to discussions that transcend the boundaries of race, colour, creed and country. The last time these three planets met was in September 1945 – and we all know what happened then. Yes..World War II was finally over.  An event that sent a wave of joy around the world. So once again, here we stand at the beginning of a new phase of global relations. The time for new allegiances has come.  Barak Obama is … Lees verder

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Obama’s Inauguration:Jupiter undiluted!!

  One of the first things we must remember when looking at the inauguration chart is that since President Roosevelt the time and date of the inauguration ceremony has been fixed. It always takes place on January 20th, and the swearing in ceremony itself is at 12 noon. The ascendant is therefore around 14 degrees Taurus, the midheaven is around 25 degrees Capricorn, and the Sun always in 0 degrees Aquarius. Also because of the close proximity to the Sun, the positions of Venus and Mercury too, are limited. With so much fixed in this chart, … Lees verder

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Obama Inauguration: Moon Void? Of Course

Inauguration day looms. Hard to imagine what it must feel like to be Barack Obama right now. While the pile of problems on his plate grows bigger by the hour, astrolgers it seems can do little more than lament over the void of course moon in the inauguration horoscope. Clearly the Obama’s (unlike the Reagans) do not have an astrologer at court. This is Camelot but then without Merlin. But now my fellow astrologers the time has come to stop jesting. So, what does this Moon void of course in Scorpio really mean? 

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Yes We Can: Obama Rocks the States

It’s been a long night… I set the alarm for 03.30 LT in Amsterdam… turned on the television and watched and waited. After all, it’s not every night you get to witness history in the making. At 11.15 pm in Phoenix Arizon, with the Moon in Aquarius just dipping under the horizon, John McCain gratiously conceded defeat. The Moon is a significant planet in the US chart – ruling as it does – the country’s Cancer Sun. Then at 11.55 pm in Chicago, IL, Barack Obama took the stage. This is the horoscope for that … Lees verder

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