Tagarchieven: Fukushima

Full Moon Horoscope: Will the Waterbearer bring some relief to Fukushima ?r

Tensions and emotions rise as we enter the build up to Saturday’s Full Moon and there is every reason for concern. On Saturday the  Sun in the Full Moon horoscope occupies the same space in the heavens as Uranus on March 11th – when the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan. In re-visiting this degree – the Sun increases the tension that already surrounds a now fully charged Aries Point. Furthermore at the Full Moon – the Sun and Moon both square the Moon’s Nodes – now in Sagittarius and Gemini. There is an  abundance of … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Ram | Getagged , , | Een reactie plaatsen