Tagarchieven: Neptune

Neptune in Pisces: On social unrest and revolutions…

Neptune in Pisces: On social unrest and revolutions…

On January 1st 1848 and January 1st 2011, the planet Neptune was on the threshold of entering Pisces. This coming year – as in 1848 – Neptune will briefly enter Pisces before re-entering Aquarius, where it will remain until its final ingres on 3 February 2012. In the light of the current spate of uprisings in the Middle East – what does this similar position of Neptune have to tell us? In an attempt to bring about social, economic, liberal and national change, in 1848 a wave of revolutions swept accross Europe . The aims of the revolutionaries were … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen

The difficulty of mundane astrology..Bill Gates and Warren Buffet: the Giving Pledge

One of the things that makes life difficult for mundane astrologers is the period of gestation that often takes place between the conception and birth of a great idea. While some events happen in an immediate way, an election is held on a set date, a plane crashes, a war begins, etc. … but some happenings are less clear cut. For our knowledge of events  we largely depend on the media and internet. So we could ask: if a tree falls in a forest and no-one is there to hear it, does the tree fall? A mudane astrologer can write about things which will only … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen

Horoscope Tony Hayward, Chief Executive BP: The US and a Neptunian spill

  Tony Hayward the chief executive of BP finds himself in an unenviable position. Tony Hayward personifies BP – and his beleaguered face – is one that many Americans love to hate and who can blame them? An executive who is insensitive enough to say “I want my life back” – while ordinary Americans are living with the consequences of the worst environmental disaster in US history, is surely asking for problems. Though no exact birth time is available for Tony Hayward, we do have a date:  May 21 1957, Eton, UK.  I have chosen a Sun rising chart. The … Lees verder

Geplaatst in astro-blogging 4 OBAMA, Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , , , , , , , | 1 reactie

Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune: What if God did not create heaven and earth?

Earlier this week, I wrote about the grand trine today between the Sun in Libra, the Moon in Gemini and the grand trine of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune. Air is an element of intellect, and of curiosity. (That reminds me, today a group of scientists from NASA will insult our Moon!! We all know what curiosity did to the cat, right? ) However, the Moon explosion is not the subject of this post, because something else of interest is occuring under this triple conjucntion. Earlier this year, I wrote an article about the triple conjunction of Jupiter, … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen