Tagarchieven: Richard Tarnas

Richard Tarnas: The Comic Genius

Just a quick reminder to you all, that the wonderful Richard Tarnas will be giving a lecture in Amsterdam on July 14th. This is a great opportunity to hear a wonderful philosopher, historian of ideas, and last but not least – a brilliant astrologer!!!!! – give his views on humor. Let me be clear now… what I don’t mean is humor as in the traditional astrological sense of the ‘humors’ (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, or choleric). No this is about comedy, the other humor, and I am sure we will have fun while learning an awful … Lees verder

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Richard Tarnas Lecture in Amsterdam, July 14th 2012

On July 14th, astrologer/philosopher Richard Tarnas will be giving a lecture in Amsterdam. Richard Tarnas has written many well known books – which have also proved popular among non-astrologers. Titles include: ‘Prometheus the Awakener‘; the brilliant ‘Passion of the Western Mind’; and more recently, ‘Cosmos and Psyche’. The theme of the lecture in Amsterdam is “The Comic Genius”. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to listen to this renowned American thinker. For all details visit the website of the Amsterdam School of Astrology, or ring Faye Cossar at – 020-6206244. Since this is a short post you will … Lees verder

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Mountain Astrologer Digital Edition

I see that the well known American astrological journal, The Mountain Astrologer, now has a digital edition. A year subscription costs 33 dollars, which is not bad at all. The August/September issue is available on line so that potential subscribers can get a ‘feel’ for the digital version. Amongst many interesting article – I printed this one out: Archetypal Cosmology: Past and Present, by Richard Tarnas. Definitely a good move by the Mountain Astrologer which will undoubtedly increase the journal’s revenue. In order to make use of the links – you will need to click … Lees verder

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Week horoscoop:Een warme welkom aan Neptunus in Vissen

Week horoscoop: Bij Neptunus in Vissen hoort precies zo’n prachtige oude lied. “What the world needs now is love sweet love” – gezongen mid jaren zestig toen er nog alle ruimte voor idealisme was. Nu klinkt het misschien over romantisch – maar geef toe – het is ook wel heerlijk.  Opgaan in een sfeer, wegdromen, je fantasie op hol laten slaan, de muse opzoeken, dit hoort allemaal bij de planeet Neptunus. Ik voel ook een soort waas over mij heen komen als ik eraan deze stand denk. Neptunus in Vissen. Probeer het hardop te zeggen: … Lees verder

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Bimbo’s en Burkha’s – Uranus vierkant Pluto

Interessante programma die Bimbo’s en Burkha’s. Ik heb de vorige aflevering(en) gemist dus wilde gisteren echt kijken. Mijn zoon van 12 moest meekijken. Ik vroeg hem vanochtend over het ontbijt – “wat vond je van het programma?” Zijn antwoord:” het programma was niet slecht gemaakt maar racistisch”. Zijn waarheid. Astrologen hebben het nu wel vaker over Saturnus vierkant Pluto maar praten nu nauwelijks over de veel belangrijker Uranus vierkant Pluto. De Uranus/Pluto cyclus is een van 127 jaar en heeft – om Richard Tarnas te citeren met “the Plutonic-Dionysian archetype, associated with the planet Pluto, intensifying … Lees verder

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Update: Richard Tarnas lecture in Amsterdam

Piping Hot off the press: Richard Tarnas will give a second lecture in Amsterdam on Sunday November 15th. See full information here. Richard Tarnas is author of several best-sellers. His last book Cosmos and Psyche questions the prevailing world view and puts forward great arguments in favour of a new cosmology, which is alive and full of meaning. I went to his Amsterdam workshop earlier this year. Richard Tarnas really is an intellectually challenging but engaging speaker and is one of the many academics currently investing their energy in society’s re-evaluation of astrology. This might not yet be … Lees verder

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