Tagarchieven: Secondary Progressed Mars and the soul’s intention

Horoscope Julian Assange: Secondary Progressed Mars & the Soul’s Intention

Horoscope Julian Assange: Secondary Progressed Mars & the Soul’s Intention Astrologically, I have been following Julian Assange for quite some years. These are links to previous posts I have written about his plight:  Julian Assange: A Voice Crying in the Wilderness; & Julian Assange Arrested. In both these posts I was taking 12.00 pm as the birth time – as there was doubt about the actual time of birth. Since then two times have surfaced for Julian Assange. There is the 15.00 source, Sy Scholfield,  “The Unauthorised Biography (Melbourne: Text, 2011), p. 32: “Back in … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , | 5 Reacties