Tagarchieven: solar eclipse

Zonsverduistering op de Wereld As

De hemelse temperatuur stijgt. Mercurius in Kreeft keert om en zal retrograde lopen tot zondag 12 juli (station direct in 5 graden 30 Kreeft).  Het herkauwen van gedachten ? Zou kunnen. Mercurius in Kreeft is sensitief en nogal emotioneel – en heeft soms de neiging tot melancholie. Dingen die een dierbare gezegd of gedaan heeft, of een situatie uit het verleden, kan om aandacht vragen. Mercurius in Kreeft kan zich zorgen maken over dingen en zeker als ie retrograde loopt, dingen met moeite kunnen loslaten. Later in de week (zaterdag), staat Mars in Vissen sextiel … Lees verder

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A Spectacular Eclipse: but what does it mean?

 Tomorrow’s eclipse at 13.39 Capricorn – promises to be quite spectacular. According to one popular Dutch newspaper “Trouw” , the nights surrounding the eclipse will present us with a spectualar show of shooting stars. This heavenly display is due to the fact that the earth is currently passing through a cloud of dust – left-overs from a comet, whose particles actually appear to be fired from the constellation Bootes. Bootes – according to Bernadette Brady – ‘ is a member of constellations that begin at the Pole with the sacred stars Draco and Ursa Major … Lees verder

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Astrology, eclipses and the genius of Captain Beefheart

Today I read the sad news of the death of singer/musician/painter Captain Beefheart (Donald Glen Vliet). Even though he stopped making music long ago, his albums reflect the genius of a truly unique artist. The voice – what a voice.  A whole array of musicians have said they were influenced by it: Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Frans Ferdinand, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, The White Stripes, to name but a few. Looking for his horoscope details – Donald Glen Vliet – Jan 15th, 1941, 16.25, Glendale, CA (source Astrotheme) – it was clear that the solar … Lees verder

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The World Cup Final: Why Sunday’s Solar Eclipse favours the Dutch team

 Holland have made it to the World Cup Final. In Amsterdam the last car horns and vuvuzuela’s were tooting well into the early hours of this morning. Orange madness has taken over the country and the journey isn’t over yet. Holland might be small, but it has a mighty talent on the field. The World Cup Final, which will be held on Sunday (kick off, 20.30, Johannesburg), takes place on the day of a solar eclipse. The eclipse is visible accross the tip of South America, as was the recent lunar eclipse. This helps to explain … Lees verder

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Book Review: The Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths, by Bill Meridian

Let me begin by saying I am not an eclipse novice by any means.  Some years ago I did a study of the eclipse charts that fell during the French and Russian Revolutions, linking them to people and significant events. So I freely admit, I was more than a little sceptical. Question: What could this book add to the knowledge I already had access to?  Answer: stacks. There is an avalanche of material in this book, which has rejuvenated  my thinking where eclipses are concerned. As you would expect in a book covering eclipse paths, there are lots of great ACG charts, and these are totally … Lees verder

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