Tagarchieven: solar hybrid eclipse

Astrology: Some thoughts on November’s Solar Hybrid Eclipse

November’s Solar Hybrid Eclipse: If all eclipses are of interest to astrologers, then the solar hybrid variety should be in a league of their own. During the whole of the 20th Century, only 6 hybrid eclipses took place (Dec. 23 1908, June 17, 1909, April 17 1912, April 28 1930, Oct 3, 1986, March 29, 1987). I first become aware of this small family of eclipses while doing some research on revolutions, of the “overthrow of monarch” variety. The eclipse that took place on May 24th 1789, just two months before the ‘storming of the … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English | Getagged , , | 2 Reacties

Horoscope Titanic: Over Mercury retrograde, and a solar hybrid eclipse

100 years ago the Titanic sunk to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean – claiming more than 1500 lives. If ever proof was needed of the fallibility of human ambition, the Titanic surely provides it. Her makers claim that the ship was ‘unsinkable’ mere hubris. The Titanic was much more than the largest and most luxurious ship of her age, a hundred years later it remains the most famous disaster in maritime history. She carried not only over 30 millionairs, but also a polyglot mixture of the many peoples of Europe heading for a new life in America. Be this … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Astrology English, mundane astrologie | Getagged , , , , | 10 Reacties